WARNING, No third-party or organization or website has been given the authority to represent us. We refrain from using any quick methodology to getting our franchise dealership from third party websites. We strongly promote franchise partnerships only through the Khadim official website. Be aware and watch out for any such false claims and promises.

Risk Management Committee

Risk Management Committee


SL No.NameDesignation in relation to membership of the Committee
1 Mr. Siddhartha Roy Burman Chairman [Chairman & MD]
2 Mr. Ritoban Roy Burman Member [Whole-time Director]
3 Prof. (Dr.) Surabhi Banerjee Member [Independent Director]
4 Ms. Namrata Ashok Chotrani Member [CEO]
5 Mr. Indrajit Chaudhuri Member [CFO]
5 Mr. Abhijit Dan Secretary [CS & Head-  Legal]